LDC Top 50 2021
Michael Korn and Alan Murrell
Founder and CEO
“Hospital curtains harbour germs, they’re not great for privacy or dignity, and when they are thrown away they end up in landfill,” says Michael Korn, Founder of KwickScreen. The company has created a viable alternative – a screen that can be wiped clean and printed with colourful or calming images.
Michael Korn invented the product while he completed an industrial design degree. Today, Michael and Alan are selling into hospitals across Europe and the US. “Our ultimate ambition is to replace every hospital curtain in the world. It’s a global problem and we’re uniquely positioned to solve it,” says Alan.
Our ultimate ambition is to replace every hospital curtain in the world.”
Where did you get the idea for this business?
Michael: It all started in 2007 when I was a student at the Royal College of Art studying industrial design and engineering. My sister is a doctor and she complained there were never enough side rooms in hospitals, which meant that it was difficult to isolate infected patients. I invented a product that could not only prevent infection outbreaks but also brighten up hospitals, making life better for patients.
What are your plans for growth?
Alan: Our focus is now on America, which is the largest healthcare market in the world. We’re also looking at Europe in a big way. Over the past year, we’ve been doing everything we can to help our home market, so 75pc of sales came from the UK. Previously it was a 50/50 split between the UK and exports. Our ultimate ambition is to replace every hospital curtain in the world. It’s a global problem and we’re uniquely positioned to solve it.
Tell me about your social impact?
Michael: We are reducing the spread of hospital infections. 10 years ago, it was all about MRSA and today the real danger is Covid-19. Many patients have caught it in hospital. It’s not avoidable through medicine. It’s avoidable through better design.
Alan: It’s our goal to create the best environment for talented engineers, designers and scientists to make game changing products for healthcare.