Celebrating LDC’s partnership with Level 20
27 May 2022

27 May 2022
Klara Klarowicz, Investment Manager at LDC, has been a member of Level 20 for three years, and co-chairs the Emerging Talent Committee. LDC employees were joined by Level 20 to discuss female career progression in private equity and Klara shares her thoughts on the key takeaways from that session.
I’m passionate about increasing female and minority representation in private equity, so I was delighted to introduce our inaugural Level 20 session on Tuesday. More than 35 of our female colleagues got together to celebrate LDC’s partnership with the organisation. We were joined for a breakfast panel discussion by Level 20 Chair Cheryl Potter and CEO Pam Jackson.
The conversation was inspiring and honest, and my key takeaways from the morning were:
Overall, good things come to those who come and get them – put yourself forward and remind people about what you want!
LDC and Level 20 are both committed to addressing diversity and I’m enjoying being part of the momentum behind the changes we’re seeing to make private equity a better place to work.