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The facilities at the MTC are spectacular and it was quite inspirational to hear from the young people who are benefitting from their training here. From our work within our own portfolio, we know how important apprenticeships are in the industrials sector and initiatives like this will continue to play a vital role in upskilling talent, creating job opportunities and helping businesses to grow.”

Mark Howden,
Investment Director, LDC

LDC is supporting its portfolio companies with their own apprenticeship schemes. For example, ELE, which provides engineering solutions in the aerospace, power generation and automotive sectors, is working with the Institute of Technology (IoT) to train up its own engineering apprentices every year and the business has helped to develop training courses with the IoT’s academic partner, Nelson & Colne College Group.

Elsewhere, Precision Micro is delivering a successful apprenticeship scheme to recruit young talent from within a five-mile radius of its manufacturing plant in Birmingham, through engagement with local schools. The business welcomed its first apprentice in 2022 and receives 80- 100 applications for each annual intake, growing its programme year-on-year.

Will Scales, Investment Director at LDC, added: “When it comes to supporting our portfolio companies it’s important that we get the right people around the table, and non-executive directors play a crucial role in helping management teams to deliver their growth strategy by sharing personal experiences and offering strategic guidance and a fresh perspective.

“They are also hugely passionate about supporting the next generation of talent and in a sector such as industrials, that is rightly focused on the importance of skills to drive competitive advantage, it was great to bring the two groups together at this event. We’re always actively looking to expand our network of non-executive directors across the industrials sector and look forward to hosting further events like this in the future.”