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My drive is to create a sustainable business that creates fantastic job opportunities for people, especially those who wouldn’t ordinarily have a way into consultancy.”

Ian Barker
Founder, BFY Group


Tell me about a challenging time at BFY Group?

In 2019, I changed our business model – we moved away from using experienced project delivery subcontractors. I made the decision to personally invest, enabling our first growth spurt and changing the makeup of our team from a predominantly contractor model to permanent employees. This meant learning how to build a high performing team amid uncertainty for the future, which was the biggest challenge I’ve faced yet. But bringing people in that care and want a future with BFY was the best decision I’ve made.

What are you proudest of?

I’m genuinely proud of the company we’ve built. The team really care about BFY and about each other, which has seen us recognised as a Top 100 Great Place To Work, all while delivering exceptional work for clients. Each year we make a huge investment in people development, which has seen our team develop and get promoted quickly. We have a 50/50 split of men and women here, and no gender pay gap. This happened organically because we have always hired on merit.

What drives you?

I grew up on a social housing estate in Billingham on Teesside and went to school in the shadow of a chemical plant. Then, my previous career in IT saw me land jobs all over the country. I ended up in Nottingham where I met my wife. Now, I am blessed to have two amazing daughters, and a partner that has been by my side since the early days – so making sure they are looked after is a big driver for me. That, and I love being able to create fantastic job opportunities for people, especially those who wouldn’t ordinarily have a way into consultancy.

How does your neurodivergence impact your day-to-day?

I thrive on urgency and a deadline, if one doesn’t exist, I’ll create one. To unlock my ADHD superpower I make sure the surroundings I’m going to be in aren’t going to cause any distractions or interruptions, and plan around the ‘wins’ I’m looking to achieve. If a meeting isn’t snappy enough, it can bring my energy down, but tinkering with some interesting industry data analysis often helps me to recharge.