When Gregg Scott took over the ailing apprenticeship and adult education arm of an outsourcing giant in 2019, it was losing £300,000 a month. “It lacked focus and was lost within the parent company.” Within a year, he had stemmed the losses – and then the pandemic struck.

“That slowed our recovery but gave me the opportunity to do a management buyout,” he says. “We had to do it all virtually, but that’s how we created Realise.” Today, Scott’s business helps thousands of learners to develop rewarding careers in sectors such as early years, social care and bus driving.

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We change 10,000 lives every year and that’s a big driver for me.”

Gregg Scott
CEO, Realise


What drives you?

I come from a deprived area. I was the first and last person in my family to go to university. With Realise, I’m able to help thousands of learners from a similar background to develop rewarding careers. We are helping to bring talent into hard sectors like early years, social care, and bus driving, where there are many staff shortages at the moment. We change 10,000 lives every year and that’s a big driver for me.

What are your ambitions for the future?

Next year we’ll turn over £30 million. When we did the management buyout, we dreamed of reaching that goal. Now, my ambitions have changed. I want to create a group of training companies, through both organic growth and acquisition, that will take us to £100 million within three years. It’s not all about growth, however, it’s also about our people. We treat our staff really well, and have won lots of awards for our culture, and that remains a real priority for me.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

The ex-CEO of Worcester Bosch once told me to create a senior team of people I would trust with my life. That is what I have done. We have worked together since 2019 and we are like a family.