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For long-term success, you need balance.”

Fraser Smeaton
CEO, MorphCostumes


As the business has scaled, how have you and your co-founders maintained your friendship?

You hear so many stories of friendships falling to pieces under the stress of running a business together, but we all knew we got on really well and had complementary skills. In 15 years, we haven’t argued once over pay or shareholdings: we’ve all made amazing decisions that have helped the business and we’ve all made massive mistakes that have hurt it – but no-one gets more, no-one gets less. We’re all pulling in the same direction.

What’s been your toughest moment?

Morphsuits were our niche ‘wow’ product, but demand started to decline. From a profit high of £4m in 2012, we dropped to a £1m loss in 2015. We had to make half of our employees redundant to save the business and it was really tough. We re-focussed by going direct to consumers via Amazon and expanding into inflatable and generic costumes. Morphsuits account for less than 10% of our revenues now.

What’s your ambition?

We want to be the world-leading company in costumes and accessories and become a household name. If someone needs a fancy-dress costume, we want them to search for ‘Morph Costumes’ first.

What’s your proudest moment?

I spotted three Union Jack Morphsuits at the Olympic Games in Paris, which was such a great feeling. In a very small way, we’re still changing the world!