IGG is the UK’s leading professional pensions trusteeship and governance services firm.

Investment type
  • Development capital

LDC backed the creation of Independent Governance Group (IGG), the UK’s leading professional pensions trusteeship and governance services firm, following the merger of Ross Trustees and Independent Trustee Services in February 2023.

The combined business has more than £340bn of assets under governance and its vision is to be the provider of choice for colleagues, trustees, scheme sponsors and the advisory community. In addition to the destination of choice for other providers of trusteeship and governance services looking to join a larger firm.

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We are hugely excited to launch IGG, which immediately becomes the UK’s leading provider of professional pensions trusteeship and governance services at a time of accelerating demand from employers and scheme trustees.”

Andrew Bradshaw, CEO

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The merger will allow us to grow our standing as an employer of choice in the industry.”

Chris Martin, Executive Chair

The Ross Trustees and ITS brands will operate under the IGG umbrella until the integration of both businesses is completed later this year.

LDC is now supporting the leadership team at IGG as it continues to grow its footprint through the expansion of existing regional hubs across the UK and explore acquisitions.

Further expansion

Since the merger, IGG has completed three significant acquisitions. These are:

  • Clarity Trustees, which founded by accredited professional trustee Karein Davie and will further expand the newly formed Group’s client base and professional team;
  • Creative communications agency like minds, which specialises in employee engagement, specifically in relation to pensions and benefits, as well as financial wellbeing, reward and branding; and
  • IC Select, the Edinburgh-based specialist consultancy which will expand the range of services IGG provides to clients to now include the selection and oversight of investment consultants and fiduciary management providers.

Committing to ESG

Tegs Harding, Head of Sustainability at IGG, spoke to Responsible Investor about the ESG challenges facing UK pension trustees. She explained why having a separate ESG committee helps to ensure ESG is not treated as a tick-box exercise.

IGG has launched a sustainability charter. Created by Tegs, the charter will reinforce IGG’s commitment to place sustainability at the heart of its approach to professional trusteeship. The Charter includes promises to members as well as wider asks of advisers and asset managers, all designed to help drive real-world change and act as a force for good within the industry.

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LDC’s knowledge of our sector and presence across the UK has helped us to grow our business in a way that allows us to both take advantage of current increased demand for our services and achieve our long-term objectives.”

Andrew Bradshaw, CEO


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