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We’re seeing off competition from some of the biggest tech companies in the world. I’m proud to be building world-leading software in Milton Keynes.”

Steve Salvin
CEO, Aiimi


What’s been your biggest mistake?

I sold my first business to a company called Lava, which was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Four months later, Lava went bust. I had to work with the receiver over Christmas to let a lot of hard-working people go and find a new acquirer. It was tragic. I run Aiimi quite conservatively when it comes to cash. I will never allow something like that to happen on my watch.

What’s your proudest moment?

Aiimi was initially based in London, but we felt invisible there. In 2019, we relocated to Milton Keynes: rent was far cheaper; it was closer to some of our biggest clients; and we were able to create a 5,000 sq. ft Hackzone, which other local companies and charities can use for free as an events space. I’m part of a tech steering group to help establish Milton Keynes as a UK leader in AI. It feels like we play an important role in the community and tech ecosystem here.

How are you championing wellbeing at work?

I’ve been very open about my own experience and want to break the stigmas around mental health. People need to be happy and look forward to coming to work, and if they’re not happy, we should stop and think, why not? It’s okay not to be okay, and I still think there’s a job to be done for people to feel totally comfortable getting the help they need. We have a policy where we will pay any counselling expenses for Aiimi employees (and their families), no questions asked.