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I want to leave the industry better than I found it. I judge everything by: “What would my kids think of what I’ve done?”

Chris Monroe
CEO, Smiley Monroe


What made you join the business?

Dad and I were at the Emirates Stadium watching our beloved Arsenal in late 2012, when we broached the subject of me joining Smiley Monroe. We’d never talked about it before. I was working 100-hour weeks as a corporate lawyer in Sheffield and didn’t really see that as my future, so I said, ‘Let’s give it a try’. I went into work on Monday morning, handed in my notice and moved to Northern Ireland four weeks later. I needed to prove to myself and my colleagues that I could enhance the business, so I started in export sales and took on more responsibility in the following years.

How do you motivate your team?

My dad’s a real people person, always knew everyone’s name. He grew the business because of the strong relationships he built with his colleagues, customers and suppliers. I try to run the business in the same way, as one big family. We adopted a four-day working week last year, which has improved work-life balance without impacting productivity. And modifying our factory layout has enabled us to add new equipment to help our teams work smarter, not harder.

What’s your sustainability strategy?

“Since 2020 our Northern Ireland production facilities have been powered by 100% renewable electricity, which has helped reduce our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by just over 50%. We’re about to launch a new conveyor belt that’s 40% lighter and we’re collaborating with local universities and industry clusters to develop natural alternatives to fossil fuel derived materials. I want to leave the industry better than I found it. I judge everything by: “What would my kids think of what I’ve done?”